Welcome To My Life

sorry if too bad about this blog and the grammar, just enjot it !

Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

we can't survive without being two faced

That's what I've learn from this life after I succeded to face the storm.

Two faced means someone can tell you one thing and then change their story when confronted by another person

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_meaning_of_%27two_faced%27#ixzz1NzjejjFn

I know nobody likes this fucking character but you can run away from this. Many two faced around you sweety, sometimes friend is not different with enemy. I said "sometimes" okay?.

I dont know if I can be the one of them because sometimes I can't show my true personality or the real of me to my friends but I never speak about their weaknesses and try to kill them from the back.

okay back again from the topic, "we can't survive without being two faced"
why I can say like this because I'm in the situation when I know that someone is speaking about me but not in front of me directly. Actually, I'm a weak girl. When the first time I knew about that, I'm shock ! I can't do anything. I cry everytime I think about it but I realized that it's not gonna change anything.

So, I'm two faced in front of him/her too. but my two faced is in the different meanings, it means that I really dont like you, I dont like the way you talked about me, and sometimes I dont like the way you treat me but I WON'T SHOW THAT IN FRONT OF YOU

I know it's hurt and very difficult to smile with someone who actually hates you but you have to do that ! and I have to do that too.
If they (she/he) try to say that "you're hypocrite or something" just take a deep breath, The only one who knows your real personality is YOU and GOD. They don't know anything, they just jealous with you because they are not you.

This is the only way to make me survive from all of that.

But guys, you dont have to do what they did like telling something that's untrue about someone.
Just be a kind person, okay ?

If you think you can't face it alone, just remember you have God beside you. God never leave you and God knows what to do to that person.

Just wait and see :)

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